Do not miss the Guelph Youth Dance Companies’ at Fall Danceworks
November 16th, 11:00am, Market Square, Guelph City Hall.
We are thrilled to offer a glimpse into what our company dancers have been working hard at since the beginning of our season. Fall Danceworks will feature several new works and offers a dynamic variety of dance which will capture your imagination and showcase the dedication and talent of our dancers. These new works have been choreographed by Emmett Bradshaw, graduate of Guelph Youth Dance, Nickeshia Garrick, Georgia Simms, and a few of our awesome faculty Leslie, Kelly, Rebecca and Tara. Fall Danceworks includes performances from our Apprentice I and II Companies, Young Company and GYD Company along with our new Hip Hop Crew! Join us Saturday November 16th at City Hall. Performance starts at 11 am.

Photo credit – Stephanie Roberts