
Guelph Youth Dance Values

Dance is an art form that trains the entire person; body, mind and soul.

At GYD we value:
A trusting and nurturing environment
A safe, creative and open space
A place where children and their parents can move, sweat, laugh and play
A well thought out and rigorous dance curriculum
An opportunity to dance to incredible live percussion
A tightknit Community- friends, parents, teachers, choreographers, health care providers, audiences
Physical and mental well-being
A space free of phones
A non-competitive atmosphere
The art of expression, risk and innovation
Independence- even for our youngest dancer- so that they can to take care of themselves, be responsible for themselves and enjoy their full strength and individuality.
High quality and well educated teachers who come into the studio each day well prepared, with great enthusiasm and with respect for each individual who comes into the room.

We look forward to dancing with you all soon!

“Dancing with Catrina and Janet changed my daughter from a very early age. Her freedom to move in a passionate and emotional way is a gift to her – from you. I really love what you do and respect the integrity of your instructional methods and philosophy”.  Thank you, Monique

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